Child Protection

DAS Child Protection Policy

One of the core principles at the base of Dominican education is the principle of well-being, based on the fundamental right for children to develop in an environment where they feel safe, protected and accepted. The school must ensure that their students are provided with a warm, safe and welcoming environment in which children can grow and learn, in school and away.

The Domínico-Americano School (DAS) Child Protection Policy is informed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Dominican Law 136-03 (Code for the Protection System and the Fundamental Rights of Children and Adolescents), and the Dominican Ministry of Education’s Protocol for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Wellbeing in Educational Centers.

This policy aims to educate the DAS community on different aspects of child abuse, neglect and bullying, in order to be able to quickly identify any incidence in our school. It also provides a framework for reporting and intervening in any suspected case of abuse, neglect or bullying. As such, DAS commits to this policy and provides pertinent training to students, parents and staff. 


  • Contribute to the DAS community in the effective implementation of the preventive measures that guarantee the harmonious coexistence in coherence with the policies, programs and projects that seek to create a safe environment for students.
  • Establish procedures to follow in order to identify and intervene in a timely manner in cases related to abuse, neglect and/or bullying.
  • Favor the coordination between the different actors, instances in the educational system and public and private community institutions responsible for the protection of children’s rights.

Please refer to Child Protection Policy and sections below for additional details.

Definition of Child Abuse

Recruitment Policy

External Organizations


Child Protection Policy

Leadership Responsibilities

Professional Development

Integrated Child Protection Measures

Policies Practices & Training

Formal Procedures


Building & Facility Safety

Annual Review & Revision Plan

Code of Conduct

Compliance with Legal and Ethical Requirements


Definition of Child Abuse

According to the World Organization, child abuse contributes “all forms of physical and\or emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.”

Recruitment Polic

Good Conduct Letter from local Police Department required for all employees.

External Organizations

The Domínico-Americano School (DAS) Child Protection Policy was elaborated by a template provided by the ICMEC (International Centre of Missing and Exploited Children) and the following resources:

  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Dominican Law 136-03 (Code for the Protection System and the Fundamental Rights of Children and Adolescents).
  • Dominican Ministry of Education’s Protocol for Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Wellbeing in Educational Centers.
  • The Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA).

If a report to the authorities is deemed necessary, the following local external organization may be involved:

    1. Unidad de Prevención y Persecución de Violencia de Género, Intrafamiliar y Delito Sexual del Distrito Nacional – Fiscalía del Distrito Nacional (809-533-6668)
    2. CONANI (809-567-2233)
    3. Línea Vida (809-200-1202)


Confidentiality is an essential part of reporting procedures to local and/or international organizations.

Child Protection Policy

Refer to DAS Child Protection Manual

Leadership Responsibilities

Refer to DAS Child Protection Manual Disclosure Chart

Professional Development

All members of the community receive yearly professional development training.

Integrated Child Protection Measures

Child Protection measures are integrated within all school procedures and systems. Refer to:

  • DAS Child Protection Manual
  • Emergency Procedures Manual
  • Budget
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Annual Teacher Trainings
  • Child Protection Response Team Training (Level 1, Year 2019)

Policies Practices Training

All members of the community receive annual training, including:

  • Parents
  • Administrative Staff
  • Teaching Staff
  • Support Staff (Maintenance, Institutional Bus Drivers, Security)

Formal Procedures

Visiting adult must present ID and use visitors pass when entering school grounds.


Our Health Program covers topics in:
  • bullying
  • personal safety
  • physical abuse
  • manipulation
  • grooming
  • online safety
  • healthy relationships
  • healthy sexual behavior
  • neglect and negligent behavior
  • self-harm
  • staying safe away from home
  • commercial exploitation
  • disclosing abuse

Building Facility Safety

Refer to DAS Child Protection Manual and Emergency Handbook

Annual Review Revision Plan

All members of the community receive yearly Professional Development training; policies are reviewed and revised yearly by leadership team.

Code of Conduct

Refer to DAS Child Protection Manual

Compliance with Legal and Ethical Requirements

The Domínico-Americano School and the Board of Directors, in line with the mission and vision of our school, has adopted a child protection policy to guide our staff and families in matters related to the health, safety and care of children attending our school. Domínico-Americano School fully recognizes its responsibilities for child protection. Our policy is based on Dominican Republic Law (13-03) and the United Convention on the rights of the child on which Dominican Republic is signatory.


UNICEF’s Convention on the Rights of a Child

MINERD – Protocolo para la promoción de la cultura de paz y buen trato en los centros educativos

Código para el Sistema de Protección y los Derechos Fundamentales de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (Ley 136-03)

Ley General de Educación de la República Dominicana

Línea Vida

Consejo Nacional Para la Niñez y la Adolescencia

School Child Protection & Wellbeing Programme with AISA

Save the Children’s Child Protection Video – English/Spanish/French

To report child sexual exploitation in any country, please make a report online to NCMEC’s CyberTipline at: