The Cultural Institute Domínico Americano launches an initiative for environmental preservation called «We at Domínico Help the Planet»

The Cultural Institute Domínico Americano (ICDA) is pleased to announce the implementation of the initiative «We at Domínico Help the Planet», which aims to raise awareness about energy saving in our community, thus contributing to environmental preservation.

As part of this initiative, the institution is in the process of placing signage in all its areas with instructions on how to save energy within the facilities. Additionally, practical tips will be shared through various communication channels with the entire ICDA community: students, teachers, alumni, and administrative staff.

The Cultural Institute Domínico Americano is committed to environmental protection and urges all members of its community to join this effort. Through small daily actions, we can make a positive difference on the planet and leave a sustainable legacy for future generations.

We invite you to consider some tips on how to contribute to environmental preservation:

  • Turn off your computer, help prolong its lifespan!
  • Turn off the tap, water is important, don’t waste it!
  • Unplug coffee machines after use.
  • Use the stairs, remember it’s a way to exercise your body!
  • Plug all your devices into a single outlet.
  • Turn off the air conditioning when leaving.
  • Print only when necessary.
  • Replace plastic utensils with recyclable materials.