One Night of Celebration and Tradition: Folk Dance and Typical Songs Resounded at the Dominicanidad Heritage Gala 
With the vibrant blend of folk dance and typical songs by the Mixed Choir of ICDA and the Male Choir Julio Alberto Hernández, yesterday this great activity took place where we celebrated Dominican heritage under the Cultural Direction of the Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano.
It was a night that was more than a celebration, it was an immersion into the richness of the roots that represent us. Every dance step, every sung note, told the story of our heritage, with pride and love for our land.
The community came together full of emotions and artistic expressions, reminding us that Dominican identity is alive in every movement and every note. We thank the support of the Directorate of Education and Specialized Artistic Training, National School of Dance, and the General Directorate of Fine Arts.
Let’s continue dancing, singing, and celebrating our culture together!